Testimonials - Sarina

I‘ve always had a love and passion for anything movement and it’s always fed and shaped my career choices. From teaching ballet in Chicago, to dancing for Sesame Street or performing for US Military Tours, I’ve been grateful for my opportunities. That is, until I received a dance contract I thought was going to be life changing, and it ended up being my worst nightmare.

I was assigned to dance for seven months on an Italian cruise ship, but after the first day I knew I was in trouble. I couldn’t communicate with anyone (they all spoke Italian), I had no friends and I was overworked. I was also harassed on a daily basis. In the end, I lost my ability to feel. Feel anything. Passion, love, and even physical pain no longer existed in my world. It took me to a very dark place.

Cannabis has brought my passion, love and ability to feel back. It has calmed my fears, helped me overcome triumphs physically and mentally and helps me be the best me I can be.

When I returned I was diagnosed with PTSD and was given the the usual prescriptions. Anti-depressants, sleeping pills, amphetamines, anti-anxiety pills, mood reducers, you name it. But every pill I took only made me feel less. I didn’t feel human anymore. I was scared, and scared to be alive.

Then everything changed.

A plant I had never considered using my previous thirty years of life, suddenly became my medicine.

Cannabis has brought my passion, love and ability to feel back. It has calmed my fears, helped me overcome triumphs physically and mentally and helps me be the best me I can be. It has shaped my whole existence. I use the plant to manage symptoms from my PTSD, anorexia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and depression and it is the only medication I use.

I’ve been inspired by the plant so much I’ve devoted my life to sharing it. I started my own business, Medicated Mavens, incorporating the acceptance of cannabis and the use of it as a tool for a healthy life in practices such as yoga, dance and meditation. This has allowed me to share, teach and create a community of people who are witness to this magical plant.

Contact Us

E: info@vitalfulloflife.com

P: 787-679-7284

© Copyright Vital. Cooked by Mind Oven.