Testimonials - Kiki

I’m all about that healthy life. From sprouting grains and legumes, making nut mylks and kombucha, and of course growing my own herbs – I’ve always had a passion for nutrition and consciously nourishing myself with only the best of the best.

Soon enough, that passion for nutrition turned into something a whole lot more…whole. I realized that being “healthy” required a holistic approach, including mindful movement, fostering a supportive community, getting enough sunlight and generally being outdoors more – and lots of other things. Green juices alone weren’t going to cut it if I wanted to live the health-optimized life I’d always dreamed of.

This journey into exploring wellness from multiple perspectives – including tech, “biohacking”, all the way to metaphysical and more esoteric approaches to health – has brought me to build Mindfully Exponential. It’s a community for all things (and practices) that will add quality longevity to our lives in a way that’s fun, accessible, and always beautiful!

So how does cannabis fit into all of this? If you would have asked me a few years ago, I would have likely felt uncomfortable and deemed you as a little weird and sketchy.

Today, the times have changed, and I’m proud to say I’m catching on.

While I haven’t used cannabis myself, I am quickly becoming well aware of the various use cases where it is changing lives for the better. This is an exciting topic that I’m exploring more and more on my blog – as the enthusiastic feedback continues to drive it forward.

Why is it that we can walk into a grocery store and easily (and legally!) purchase food that is ridden with aspartame, corn syrup, MSG and other chemicals and toxins that have proven to reek havoc on our bodies and our long-term health – but we scoff at the concept of using a plant to help soothe our pains and illnesses?

Why is it that we can walk into a grocery store and easily (and legally!) purchase food that is ridden with aspartame, corn syrup, MSG and other chemicals and toxins that have proven to reek havoc on our bodies and our long-term health – but we scoff at the concept of using a plant to help soothe our pains and illnesses?

I think it’s time to change our story around cannabis, what it represents, and most importantly: what it can offer. A key component in this will be branding and marketing (sad but true). If this healing product can be presented in a way that’s aesthetically-pleasing, accessible, and downright aspirational – rather than the stoner culture it sometimes still gets stuck in, then I believe we’ll all be better off. 

I’m not saying we all need to use it – I’m simply advocating for our right to choose, in a way that’s respected and embraced with love and acceptance.

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E: info@vitalfulloflife.com

P: 787-679-7284

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